Sunday, November 29, 2009

I hacked into a school computer and erased ALL the teachers accounts,could i get arrested?

could i get arrested.


im only 13,

and i CAN hack.

i can go on youtube and myspace or whatever i want to at school.

but i went onto the administrators computor in the library and click remove all users(including teachers)

if they confront me what do i do!?

im scared,

because i heard of a 15 year old kid getting arrestted fom hacking into school computers

I hacked into a school computer and erased ALL the teachers accounts,could i get arrested?

Yes. You have committed a federal crime. If you're lucky you'll get probation, otherwise you're looking at time in a juvenile detention facility.

Talk to your parents and have them go with you to confess to the school principal. If you're lucky they'll consider that a sign of you having a good character and being repentant and they may choose to expel or suspend you without getting the police involved. But the longer you wait, the more likely they are to report the crime to the police. Once that happens it's out of their hands.

I hacked into a school computer and erased ALL the teachers accounts,could i get arrested?

Yes most likey 100% you would get arrest.

I hacked into a school computer and erased ALL the teachers accounts,could i get arrested?

Its a felony. Congrats, and because you had to be logged on to an account, its going to be very easy to track you down.

You will be caught, and sadly put in jail.

I have heard of cases where people make a deal saying I'll do suspension hours, and help you set up a new system that cant be hacked and improve on what was hackable.

Good luck to ya, even if what you did was hella funny.

I hacked into a school computer and erased ALL the teachers accounts,could i get arrested?

well golly gosh, arent you clever! if you are clever enough to hack, i am sure that you would have known how to ensure you would not get caught, you know the simple things like your ip a/d and then using a different machine other than your own to carry out the attack.

perhaps you should grow up a bit before you try to do stuff that your brain does not understand yet!.

Oh and if you were stupid enough not to take simple precautions, i am 100% sure you will be arrested, and i hopr they throw the book at you or give you a lovely big fine and confiscate your box!. lmao

I hacked into a school computer and erased ALL the teachers accounts,could i get arrested?

not only have you committed a felony, you have admitted your guilt on the www for EVERYONE to see.

don't you know that you are traceable. oh wait, that's right, you said you were 13 AND you know how to hack.

what? hacky sack?

grow up and behave yourself. sheesh.

if you are confronted, CONFESS. honesty is the best policy. thru-out your life. heck, even if you aren't confronted, confess.

I hacked into a school computer and erased ALL the teachers accounts,could i get arrested?

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I hacked into a school computer and erased ALL the teachers accounts,could i get arrested?

Your question is a good one and I hope you find the answer you need. I just wanted to stop by and invite you over.

Don't let your school's network tell you what sites you can visit. MySpace, Bebo. Friendster, Orkut......visit them all with our web proxy sites. Just come on over and get new web proxy sites everyday so you can surf wherever you want.

Come over to and get in on the action now. Also...stop by and check out my photos of my last shoot.

I hacked into a school computer and erased ALL the teachers accounts,could i get arrested?

Your question is a good one and I hope you find the answer you need. I just wanted to stop by and invite you over.

Don't let your school's network tell you what sites you can visit. MySpace, Bebo. Friendster, Orkut......visit them all with our web proxy sites. Just come on over and get new web proxy sites everyday so you can surf wherever you want.

Come over to and get in on the action now. Also...stop by and check out my photos of my last shoot.

I hacked into a school computer and erased ALL the teachers accounts,could i get arrested?

Your question is a good one and I hope you find the answer you need. I just wanted to stop by and invite you over.

Don't let your school's network tell you what sites you can visit. MySpace, Bebo. Friendster, Orkut......visit them all with our web proxy sites. Just come on over and get new web proxy sites everyday so you can surf wherever you want.

Come over to and get in on the action now. Also...stop by and check out my photos of my last shoot.

I hacked into a school computer and erased ALL the teachers accounts,could i get arrested?

Your question is a good one and I hope you find the answer you need. I just wanted to stop by and invite you over.

Don't let your school's network tell you what sites you can visit. MySpace, Bebo. Friendster, Orkut......visit them all with our web proxy sites. Just come on over and get new web proxy sites everyday so you can surf wherever you want.

Come over to and get in on the action now. Also...stop by and check out my photos of my last shoot.

I hacked into a school computer and erased ALL the teachers accounts,could i get arrested?

Your question is a good one and I hope you find the answer you need. I just wanted to stop by and invite you over.

Don't let your school's network tell you what sites you can visit. MySpace, Bebo. Friendster, Orkut......visit them all with our web proxy sites. Just come on over and get new web proxy sites everyday so you can surf wherever you want.

Come over to and get in on the action now. Also...stop by and check out my photos of my last shoot.

I hacked into a school computer and erased ALL the teachers accounts,could i get arrested?

Your question is a good one and I hope you find the answer you need. I just wanted to stop by and invite you over.

Don't let your school's network tell you what sites you can visit. MySpace, Bebo. Friendster, Orkut......visit them all with our web proxy sites. Just come on over and get new web proxy sites everyday so you can surf wherever you want.

Come over to and get in on the action now. Also...stop by and check out my photos of my last shoot.

I hacked into a school computer and erased ALL the teachers accounts,could i get arrested?

Your question is a good one and I hope you find the answer you need. I just wanted to stop by and invite you over.

Don't let your school's network tell you what sites you can visit. MySpace, Bebo. Friendster, Orkut......visit them all with our web proxy sites. Just come on over and get new web proxy sites everyday so you can surf wherever you want.

Come over to and get in on the action now. Also...stop by and check out my photos of my last shoot.

I hacked into a school computer and erased ALL the teachers accounts,could i get arrested?

Your question is a good one and I hope you find the answer you need. I just wanted to stop by and invite you over.

Don't let your school's network tell you what sites you can visit. MySpace, Bebo. Friendster, Orkut......visit them all with our web proxy sites. Just come on over and get new web proxy sites everyday so you can surf wherever you want.

Come over to and get in on the action now. Also...stop by and check out my photos of my last shoot.

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