Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How can I hack into my friends myspace account?

I have this friend from school that I requested on myspace. For some reason his profile is set to private. He hasnt added me and when I ask he says to wait till he updates. I think he likes me and he is gayy. I think he has pics of me and him together or something on his page that he doesnt want me to see. I dont know his e-mail or password that he used for myspace so I was wondering if there was a way to hack into his myspace page. The profile is set for private and I dont know how to get in. Is there a site I can go to or a free program I can use to get into his profle?

Thanks. PS- His myspace URL is-

this is all I know. Thanks for the help.

How can I hack into my friends myspace account?

Make a new account as a hot guy and add him then see whats up with his profile

How can I hack into my friends myspace account?

If he likes you, i think he would be more than eager to add you. No one here will teach you how to hack into it, but why don't you just ask one of your friends who has a myspace account that is friends with him to show you his page. Since it's private and only friends can view it.

How can I hack into my friends myspace account?

You can't "hack" a MySpace.

When people say things like "Oh no! I've been hacked!" they were really just phished. Password phishing isn't that complicated at all. All the phisher has to do is:

1. Make a fake MySpace Login page, except instead of logging the person in, it sends their password to a txt document.

2. Upload the web page they created

3. Send the person the link to your webpage and hope they fall for it.

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