i logged on and then i read my new messages. There was a perverted comment sent from myself. I was confused then when i went to all my friends's profile, they were all sent to my friends. I was so freaking pissed. I didn't send those and how could someone hack into my account. Also on the bulletin page, it sad i has posted three topics (that i didn't post) and they had a title but no body. Im so scared that the person might go on my account again. I did change my password and email, but can that prevent the hack? Help me! (remember this is my myspace account, not yahoo)
How did someone hack into my myspace account????
It sounds like you were phished. Me and my friends have all been phished on myspace hence why we don't use it. That is when you log into a site that LOOKS like myspace, but it is really not. Someone collects your password when you 'log in' and wrecks havoc on your name. Everytime you log on make sure the URL up top says myspace.com and not something like scamme.com.
How did someone hack into my myspace account????
Just like anything else, anyone can hack. They could have guessed your password or done something more advanced. I would recommend using a password with more numbers and unpredictable word so it's not so easy to hack.
How did someone hack into my myspace account????
from now on change your password like every month or so, just to make sure nobody guesses the password
i have been phished before and there were so many perverted things sent to guys that i dont even KNOW???
this happens if u click a link to myspace that looks exactly like myspace but isnt and then u unintentionally give them ur email and password. this can also happen by clicking and popups that u c on myspace (sometimes it automatically gives the phishing site ur email and password...thats wat happend 2 me!, but i still use myspace and i am fine! just change ur password to something nobody can EVER guesss)
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