Monday, December 28, 2009

How can I Make Her Believe me?

My friend Michelle isnt talking to me. I went to NYC a couple of weeks ago with a bunch of my friends and I found my Best friends girlfriend making out with someone else, and irronically her name was Michelle also. Knowing that my friend wouldnt believe me that his gf was cheating on him I took pictures to prove it. Now they're both on my myspace, the 2 Michelle's and I went to delete the cheating one you know but accidentally I deleted my friend Michelle on accident cuz I was so angry. Michelle and I are more like acquaintances than friends we dont hang out or anythign like that.I know her because her boyfriend is in the Fire House with my dad, and he's like the son my dad never had and her brother was in my school. So now, my other myspace was hacked into and alot of my friends were deleted. And on my myspace it said somethin like " You ****** slut I know what you did and I have proof." I dont know why she wont let me explain to her that I wasnt talking or anything about her.

How can I Make Her Believe me?

girls are cranky and vengeful, she's so furious that she doesn't even want to here your side of the story. she's told herself that she's been wronged and your to blame end of story. since she won't let you explain and claims she has "proof" theres no way to confront her about the proof she says she has. shes being immature and childish go to her directly because she will not listen otherwise.

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