Monday, December 28, 2009

What's the deal with all the profile tracking ads on myspace?

they're all over my comments and everyone else's. is it someone hacking into profiles and doing it or are my friends actually putting these ridiculous ads on my page?? i'm too lazy to ask them.

What's the deal with all the profile tracking ads on myspace?

i believe some people are hacking into your friends account. i got a message of one of my friends and then she send a bulletin saying she didn't send that comment and not to open it. ask u're friends to change their passwords because there accounts are hacked!!!!

What's the deal with all the profile tracking ads on myspace?

their stupid.

What's the deal with all the profile tracking ads on myspace?

your account is being phished if there are adds being put on the bulletin board under your name or your friends. This starts off as a fake facade that asks for your screen name after you click one of the bulletins. You need to change your password immediately to stop it and to prevent any further damage since this is a form of identity theft. Heres more info from tom, I hope this helps.

What's the deal with all the profile tracking ads on myspace?

HACKERZ u get them bii siigning back iin to miiispace wen the white screen cumz up and saiiz u must be loged iin to do that but the naviigatiion bar does not say www.login.myspace.....blah blah blah

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